2 pluie. Syn :. Sán bɛ́ nà la pluie vient, il va pleuvoir. Sán wóra tìgɛra la pluie a cessé. Nàfari tɛ́ sán ná bì la pluie na pas lair de vouloir venir aujourdhui. Sínjima Litt : lait.maternel sein eau réciproque syɛ̀sulu Litt : poule poulaillerbergerie Variante :. Shyɛsulu The monk Vitalius, already 60 years old, came to Alexandria to put the illustrious patriarch to the test. He began to frequent the prostitutes of the city. During his visits, Vitalius bribed the hostess and stood stoically in a corner of the room, praying until dawn and persuading several women of the streets to give up their sordid life. One of them threatened to reveal the curious behavior of the visitor, but on the prayers of the holy man she became possessed by the devil!; the others, terrified, then kept silent. The monks familiarity with the prostitutes did not fail to scandalize the right-thinking, who complained to the patriarch. But John had understood the motive of the monks actions and refrained from reprimanding him. Et la bonté envers ma mère. Il ne ma fait ni violent ni pourquoi adores-tu ce qui nentend ni ne voit, et ne te profite en rien? sànnifɛn Litt : achat acheter nom daction chose Traité des synonymes et homonymes grecs-Alexandre Pillon-Google Books 1981 : Sortie du film homonyme dUli Edel. Bande originale de David Bowie, lidole de Christiane. súgunɛbilen Litt : urine rouge Variante :. Bl Je vous salue-: Marion, Carmen, Clémentine, Eddy, Jo-Annie, Nancy, Jade.-Rose Dufour-Google Books
num. Trois, triade. Mùgan ní sàba vingt-trois vingt et trois.
n. Syn :, marché. Súgu jɔ̀ aller au marché, faire son marché n. Repas de fin de jeûne. Sun-lakari- sunnakari n. Être mortel. Hádamaden mínnu yé sàfɛn yé.. Les hommes qui sont mortels Sg 9, 14.